Start engaging with your members in moments, allowing for growth through our personalized website and texting plan.
There is no better way to reach your congregation than instantly. Create a text campaign and reach all members within your opt-in lists.
Gone are the days of going back and forth with developers when reviewing the design. We get it right the first time, which saves you time and headaches.
Our simple dashboard is easy to navigate empowering you to schedule text messages, create your own landing pages, send reminders, and view the analytics for each!
We are there every step of the way. We provide unlimited support in the deployment of your church's mobile site, texting, and mobile campaigns.
As experienced marketing experts, Mobile Outreach will help you navigate the best outreach ideas for your church.
Determine Style and Message
We will create a mobile website tailored for you and your community.
Begin your opt-in list
A tablet based kiosk that allows members to put in their phone number to enter your opt-in list. Allowing members/visitors to register for events, send them follow ups, and schedule appointments reminders for staff.
In moments, reach your entire congregation.
Instantly connect with your community and members, digitized bulletins, urgent announcements, advertisement for events, follow up with first time guests. Yes, its that easy!
Learn how to use our Dashboard
We provide you with personal one on one training on all aspects of the control panel as well as a library of video tutorials to refer to so that you are well equipped to take control of your website and mobile outreach.
We are always here to help
Once the website has launched, and your opt-in list has been populated we offer additive outreach services to help you connect with your community and plan your next ministry event.
What we offer
Paper visitor cards, paper bulletins, paper mail, phone-line prayer chains, & email groups are a thing of the past. Texting allows you to communicate directly with your audience/congregation. The future of outreach & member communication is through the cell phone.
Our dashboard keeps things simple and easy to manage all of your outreach data in one place. With our personal training there is nothing you can't accomplish through your texts, mobile website, landing pages.
$99 for the first 3 months with
350 FREE text messages each month!
Here’s what it will cost to add additional credits that will roll over month to month on your database.
You will use 1 credit per phone number.
Most website builds take 1-2 weeks to complete. Some websites may take longer depending on the size of the website and the responsiveness of clients.
Yes, we're more than happy to discuss custom options if you want us to make any adjustments to your current design.
If you use all of your plan's credits you can purchase more credits separately from your plan and start using them to send out more texts!
Yes! We are with you for the long haul on any of the packages, so that if you have any questions, we're always there to help.
Yes. We give in person training if needed, and provide our clients with a library of tutorials on how to use your new dashboard so that you are well equipped to take full control and ownership of your website and campaigns.
Just reach out, we’re always around to answer any questions.
Ira Hubbard
Adam Jones
Nick Sandusky
It only takes a few minutes to start your plan.
Fill in the details below and we’ll be in touch.